Operation Home2Home

Annisa (icaichaa)

2017-06-12 21:19:49+0700

Operation Home2Home

Date : 11/06/17
Location : Bandarlampung, Sukabumi, Banjarmasin

3 Juni 2017
Tengah malem, iya. Sekitar jam 11 malem @icaichaa tiba-tiba dapet chat di Tg isinya cuma drawn polygon dikasih sedikit note, “How?”. Setelah lama ngga ngintel, paste, liat-liat anchor terus ketawa sendiri, langsung jawab pun “Boleh”. Kebetulan ada agent Bandung sebiji lagi pulang kampung ke Lampung @GarMagel, sekalian bikin black badge Illuminator lah ceritanya

4 Juni 2017
@dkero mulai nambahin gambar lapisan field yang ga masuk akal. @KweaKweak juga udah mulai marking yang harus dibersihin

5 Juni 2017
Eh yang jagain portal di Banjarmasin tiba-tiba tengah malem ngasih info kalo disana kedatengan tamu duluan, sebut saja dia Enl @pelintaspulau

6 Juni 2017
Riweuh lah sana sini nyari agent yang bisa bergerak dan yang belum black badge Illuminatornya. Bersih-bersih crosslink, bikin grup, nyamain waktu dan lain-lain pokoknya banyaak

7 – 10 Juni 2017
Okesip, mulai dapet linker-linkernya. Mulai set waktu berangkat masing-masing agent dan teteuup sambil pada beresin cross link. Runut runut PK juga ga lupa. Matengin plan lah ya beberapa hari itu. Ada juga beberapa agent yang mulai dibisikin buat tahan happy link di area pinggiran BAF. Maaf ya om @b4TAKMampang hehehe. Ngga disangka-sangka, pas tanggal 10 siangnya ada field ijo guedeee bener. Udah kontak agent yang bisa takedown tapi bisanya di tanggal 11 dan mepet waktu up field. Yaudah…. sabar…. ditungguin aja sampe besok…. Pas kesekian kalinya cek intel, lha fieldnya ilang. Tanya sana sini, mbuh gaada yang kenal

11 Juni 2017
Yap, the days has come!
Pagi-pagi mulai pada bikin block sana sini. Yang linker juga udah mulai pada jalan. Oke, ternyata jalur mereka padetnya bukan main. Ada 1 tim pula yang pasrah kena macet. He’eh pasrah gabisa ngelink tepat waktu. Para linker yang udah deket posisi masing-masing mulai saling tebar PK. Pokoknya intel ga lupa buat ingetin FOTO. Awas aja ga foto

Mulai concern mulai concern, salah satu anchor yg di Lampung tiba-tiba ada pergerakan ijo disekitar rumahnya. Ya pokoknya mulai lah ya, sekitar jam 14.15 tunnel mulai meluncur, ngga lama disusul link lainnya. Yabiasa, kalo mau ops gini pasti ada aja scanner yang ngambeg dan harus digantiin agent lainnya. FIELD UP! Field pertama dimulai pukul 14.38 WIB dan dilanjut field field selanjutnya
Udah jam 15.00 WIB cuy, waktunya CP. 11 layer biru berhasil dibuat dengan total 166.186,035 MUs wohooo. Lanjut lanjut ditambahin lagi 6 layer jadi total 263.549.797 MUs.

Tadinya Palembang mau ikutan juga, tapi sayang scannernya lagi ngambeg. Solidaritas, karena ada 1 agent yang belum kebagian fielding, biasa ngambeg scannernya jadi kita tungguin. Mulai keliatan ada Enl yang jalan ke anchor Lampung. Agent mulai pada ga sabar buat nambah field lagi. “We want more”. Oke, keputusannya flip anchor. Sebut saja dia @LUCKYthePOOH, setelah tau di flip dia mulai bikin block link kemana-mana berdua @saintno. Tim anchor langsung bergerak buat bersihin dan tadaa. Block link bersih dan sesi kedua fielding dimulai. Yah pokoknya di sesi kedua ini berhasil bikin 12 layer biru dengan 184.803.813 MUs. Udah wey udahan fieldingnya.

Ketika fielding tapi sambil ditembakin, tiba-tiba muncul sebuah :

Quotes of The Day
“kampret kalian semua, BAF dibuat mainan 😅” – @zaons

Jelas semua ground agent langsung ketawa heboh karna ini hal yang jarang terjadi

Tepat jam 16.47 WIB anchor berhasil di flip sama @LUCKYthePOOH. Tiba-tiba…. kita kedatangan tamu yang ngga diundang. Sebut saja dia @KANGENdBANN. Celingak celinguk gaada wujudnya. Oh mungkin dia dilangit ketujuh berharap diajak main….

Yay, jadi OPS kali ini berhasil buat 29 layer dengan total 432.328.973 MUs dan disambut dengan hujan.
Makasih banyak untuk semua yang udah berpartisipasi! Kalian hebat!

Special thanks untuk @Mochanes yang rela guardiannya di flip, dan begitu juga @Artezie. Jangan ngambeg yaa ehehe

Anchor Banjarmasin :

Anchor Lampung :

Intel :

Linker :

Cleaner :

Blocker :

Photos : https://goo.gl/photos/aXjwPgrhc2U9g2976

“Home2Home. From agents to agents home. Connecting the link, connecting the friendship, connecting the family.”

#ingress #resistance #IngressIndonesiaResistance #RGNN #VivaLaResistance

Eng : credits to Divlanguage Translator aka @dkero (+Divlaa Garina)

June, 3rd 2017
Indeed it was midnight when @icaichaa received rows of drawn polygon with simple question “How?” beneath it. Kinda missing doing intel days, checking anchors used and chuckled, then replied to agree with the drawing. Since there’s a Bandung agent @GarMagel staying at Lampung, giving him an onyx illuminator sounded fun.

June, 4th 2017
@dkero started tinkering with stacks of unimaginable fields. @KweaKweak already marked areas that needed to be cleaned

June, 5th 2017
Banjarmasin side informed that there was an unexpected guest, the so called green @pelintaspulau

June, 6th 2017
Finding and vetting available agents for this plan was no easy task. Also clearing crosslinks, time-sync, the usuals.

June, 7-10th 2017
Agents that were going to be involved came to light. Set timings for this and that and there and here, some cross clearing, made sure that keys were enough, rechecking the plan, telling agents to hold their local keys that were under plan area so that no additional friendly crosslinks happened (to @b4TAKMampang, thanks for your understanding). Unexpected enough, at 10th there was a huge moss field blocking our plan. Contacted nearest agents, can only destroy near the planned field up time. Uhm well k what else can we do other than wait patiently. But suddenly the field was down by an unknown agent.

June, 11st 2017
Yap, the day has come!
Our dawn began with making blocks. Linkers departed to their designed area. Apparently the traffic was bad, one of linkers team gave in to the traffic jam that made them possibly unable to link in time. Upon arrival at their designated areas, linkers started to distribute keys.

Awareness heightened when there was an enl movement around one of Lampung anchors. Concerned but still focusing on fielding, 14.15 tunnels were made, then other links were shot. It is impossible to have an op without any glitch on scanner (or intel). Finally FIELD UP! Series of fields started at 14.38. Checkpoint time comes, we managed to score 11 fields with 166.186.035 MUs in total. 6 layers followed making the count raised to 263.549.797 MUs.

Palembang agent was supposed to flood the intel too but unfortunately shiz happened with the scanner.

An agent was left without fielding. While discussing options, Lampung enl were seen on their way to field’s anchor. Seeing their anchors keys were still plenty, agents requested former fields. Decision was made to flip the anchor and then rebuild dem fields. Anchor flipped, enl agents @LUCKYthePOOH and @saintno threw block links. Anchor team went to neutralize the blocks. Second sesh of fielding began, yay! 12 blue fields with total of 184.803.813 MUs were made. Dusk was nearly arrived and linkers were still on fire. In the middle of linking-while-the-anchor-was-being-attacked, @zaons commented “kampret kalian semua, BAF dibuat mainan 😅” which pretty much meant “dem you guys, playing with BAF like this 😅”. His comment was too hilarious for us all.

16:47 @LUCKYthePOOH successfully flipped the anchor. Suddenly from the thin air a must-be-spoof-who-searched-ways-to-fame id @KANGENdBANN showed up. Whatevs, we’re done already ^^

29 layers and 432.328.973 MUs were captured this time and unplanned rain came to reminded us to finish this too fun op.

Bunch of gratitude for all of agents involved! More BAFs are coming your way~

Banjarmasin Anchor :

Lampung Anchor:

Intel :

Linker :

Cleaner :

Blocker :

Photos : https://goo.gl/photos/aXjwPgrhc2U9g2976

“Home2Home. From agents to agents home. Connecting the link, connecting the friendship, connecting the family.”

#ingress #resistance #IngressIndonesiaResistance #RGNN #VivaLaResistance
+Ingress +Ingress Indonesia Resistance +Resistance Global News Network #RGNN

Reshare IIR to the world!

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